The Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Economicas (FIPE) researched by request of the town hall, the number of children living in the streets of São Paulo, Brazil. They enumerated 1842 children living by their own on the streets with any kind of adult surveillance. The research says they use distincts strategies to survive.
I worked on this painting on my painting school and was surprised by the reaction of the other students. For instance one old lady told me she would pray for me. People started look at me as I was crazy by "painting such a dreadful delinquent". "Who would buy this?". One lady asked why I couldn't paint something "usual". I told her: "We live in a city with more than 1800 children sleeping in the sidewalks and you are painting a german castle for weeks, now who is the one painting something unusual?".
4 comentários:
This painting is compelling and I believe conveys fear, both from the viewer and the young subject. Art can be a powerful form of communication that can be very important as you have illustrated about the sad situation on the streets for these children (and from other cities as well). There's room for all of us, from the startling ubject matter you have chosen to your classmate's castle. What I believe is most important is that we paint what we feel we must. This painting really struck me.
Esse comentário pode não fazer nenhum sentido pra você. Mas por um mero acaso acabei no seu blog e vi suas pinturas... Elas me fizeram sentir tão conectado, me deixaram arrepiado como se tudo fizesse parte de mim também. Como se tudo tivesse sido feito pensando em mim. Fiquei tão abalado que precisava escrever esse comentário. Não sei nem se fala português ou se vai entender o que escrevo, mas não podia deixar de expressar essa ligação que senti com o que você criou.
Acho que você foi a primeira pessoa que eu não conheço a ler meu blog, ele é mais como um diário meu, me senti um pouco nú... Mas espero que tenha sentido alguma coisa ao lê-lo também.
powerful and disturbing. Like life.
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